Pet Memorials

Forever in our hearts.


This is a place for us to say goodbye and remember the beloved family members that left us.

Joey was the biggest bundle of love to everyone! He loved his dog bones and hamburger. He was always dedicated to us and wanted to be included in whatever we were doing even when he was sick. He loved his stuffed lamb. Joey wanted nothing more than to eat and be loved by others. He was the greatest friend anyone could ask for! We will always have you in our hearts and remember you forever!


Sissy was the most amazing dog. She was sweet, lovable, and sassy. She was the best dog we could have ever got for our daughter and we are so blessed to have had her in our family for the last 16 years. Her fur sister is missing her as well as her humans. She definitely left a huge hole in our home and hearts.

Miss Sadie, This face melts my heart, šŸ’–

Such a spunky attitude, we miss you so much , even though you were a little chihuahua you thought you had to protect us and the family and you did a great job at it thank you for the love your little heart gave us , until we meet again rest easy

Thank you again for the care of Tidus and Luna

My sweet girl Gemma Rose

Our Palmer, Big Mama, Palma Llama. We were blessed to have you in our lives for almost 2 years. When I seen your picture on the pet adoption facebook page I knew right away you were meant to be ours. You gave us so much joy in the short time you were with us, especially Rylan, your bond with him was instant and where ever he was you were right there with him. I’am going to miss seeing you jump around with excitement every time I got home, your sweet snuggles and how you always wanted to be loved on. Even though our hearts hurt and we miss you so much, there is nothing we would change about you coming into our lives except find you sooner so we could have loved you longer. We love you sweet girl!

Sadie was our first pet one month after my husband and I got married. We got her from an old neighbor of mine and she changed our lives for the better. We only had her for 2 years. She was 10 years old when she went to doggy heaven. We love her and miss her so much.

Maximus (Max) this was my best friend and my (fur) child. He had his fair share of health obstacles but that never seemed to stop him. In June 2019 I had to make the hardest decision that I never thought I’d have to make.. I didnt want to but I wasn’t going to be selfish. He was my best friend and all I wanted was the best for him no matter what that was. He made my life so much better in the 7 short years he’d been with me. He was the first face I’d see in the morning when id wake up and see his nose so close to mine, he was the face of pure love and joy when I’d get home from work or school and all he’d want was cuddles, he was the last face I’d see when I went to sleep at night with him curled up next to me. He was there to make all my bad days better. All he wanted was for mom (me) to be happy, that was his goal everyday no matter what mood I was in and he fulfilled it daily. I could have never asked for such an amazing companion and best friend. Still today I do my best to always stay positive because even when hes not here that’s all he ever wanted and I dont want to disappoint him. I’ll always love you Max and you’ll never leave my heart though you left my life too soon. You were always the best boy.

RIP Sammy 2006-2019
Thank you for the wonderful care over the years! Thank you Dr. Young for helping Sammy with a peaceful crossing to the Rainbow Bridge.

Sammy was the most patient and loving boy. Loved to visit my classroom and was the best reading tutor.

Scooter you are very missed. Although I chose you at the pound, it was you that rescued me… and there is an empty space in my heart since you passed away. You were a very Good Boy, a once in a lifetime dog, and I was blessed to be your friend.

Hollybrooke Special Delivery, CGC, ThD – ā€œNewmanā€. 2001-2017.

Our beloved Jack, our faithful friend, and your love you shared till the very end. For 12 years our family was blessed, it’s been a while since you went to rest. You still live on in the hearts and minds, of the loving family you left behind. We will see you again My Jack, in time. In our hearts…

My beautiful Maddy, Life without you has sometimes been unbearable, you were my whole world, weā€™ve been together for 12 years and that truly wasnā€™t long enough…. you always knew when I pulled up in the driveway and I could hear your little voice barking for me , I sometimes stood out in the garage just so I could hear you and I would smile , you always had to be touching me no matter where we were, in a chair or in bed , I couldnā€™t wait to come home to love on you and I hated being away from you especially on long trips! You were with me in my darkest hour and my brightest day! You will forever be in my heart and never forgotten…..

This blog is republished from Fur Kids Foundation board member Felicia Messimerā€™s Facebook page. Felicia lost her beloved pet, Lucy, a pup who has been a Foundation Ambassador at many events. We wanted to share this love story with our followers to show the incredible bond that can be forged between people and their fur kids.

Yesterday, September 27, 2013, Lucy was given her angel wings. According to some dog-age time tables, she was more than 86 years old. She leaves behind one grief-stricken, and grateful human. Iā€™d like to think that anyone who was around us could see the intense bond that had developed through our nearly 10-and-a-half-year relationship.

Lucy knew me before I knew her. She found me in the Anchorage Animal Care and Control Center in early May 2003ā€”I walked in looking for a medium-sized pet to take home and she knew I was a keeper. The animal care officer had no history on her, but made sure to tell me that many had passed her by simply because she was so big. At the time, my tiny box of an apartment also made me concerned about her size, but there was something about her smile and the way her head tilted when you scratched her ears.

Lucy became my constant buddy immediately. We enjoyed numerous walks and hikes, camping trips, bike rides, fishing expeditions where she refused to get into the water, and day-trips to oceans (from Alaska to New York). She was with me through heartbreak, traveled with me on a couple of cross-country moves, listened to me as I complained about my job/life/family/men, and made me smile and laugh more than any living being has before.

Lucy was what youā€™d call a food-motivated dog. Her many shenanigans are stories that I love to recite. Lucy has eaten the petals off of fake flowers, a friendā€™s purse from Greece, batteries (I only knew about it after it passedā€”donā€™t judge), a few large mouthfuls of birdseed (ask me about the Tweety story), some very special birthday brownies, blocks of cheese, and several bags of trash. She also attacked and tore apart an ā€œindestructibleā€ food binā€”and, while it wasnā€™t completely destroyed as pointed out by a friend on Facebook, it was rendered entirely unusable. All of these memories draw the largest smile on my face each time I tell them. Even now, as I morn my beautiful pup, there is a smile creeping across my face.

And then there is her name, Lucy. I kept the name that the shelter gave her, even though many told me to change it. I just found it too much fun to walk into my house after work or running an errand and bellow, ā€œLucy, Iā€™m home!ā€ like I was Ricky Ricardo on the I Love Lucy show. Her name also was the beginnings of many a nicknameā€”Lucy-fur, Lucy Moosey, and a very common, Ooooh Lucy! See, Lucy was one of those dogs who had terrible gas and an even worse sense of timing.

Lucy taught me to ā€œwag more and bark less,ā€ to stop and smell the flowers as often as possible, to be patient (patient, patient), that making snow angels in drifts in parks make you feel 10 years old, and that there was great beauty in the little things. Since July 9, when Dr. Darren Lynde at AMC had to break the news to me that Lucy had bone cancer, Iā€™ve spent as much time with Lucy as possible, and prayed for more time. (For those who have followed me on Facebook, Iā€™m sure youā€™ve been overwhelmed with the photos.) Weā€™ve frequented the equestrian park out at CAM-PLEX so she can wander in and out of the sage brush smelling old horse poo, roll in doggie caviar (more commonly known as Antelope scat) and plod through the stagnant, smelly water in the horse jumps.

That last day it snowed early in Gillette, Wyoming like some kind of happy happenstance. After her nummies, Lucy bounded outside off the deck, dunking her head into the snow and rolling around in it like she always had. But that afternoon she showed me that she was in pain and let me know that it was OK to let her go.

Thank you to everyone who has checked in on me and Lucy. Your support has meant the world to me, and Lucy always enjoyed company. I truly believe what French Literature Noble Prize winner Anatole France once wrote:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of oneā€™s soul remains unawakened.

And while I donā€™t think Iā€™ve felt as empty as I do right now, Iā€™d happily adopt Lucy all over again.

Your presence we miss, Your memories we treasure, Loving you always, Forgetting you never. ā¤ļø šŸ¾šŸ¾. We found Shooter in Sheridan one weekend when we did a road trip. Someone was advertising cocker puppies and we decided to check them out, just going to look. Ya right! We walked in the yard where there were lots of puppies and this little guy came racing over to us from the far side of the yard while the others went about their play. Was as tho he knew we were to be his mom and dad as he pretty much picked us. We are so glad that he did! He was the most loving boy ever. So smart and so good with everyone. He wanted to just be with and spend time with us. He wanted to eat what we ate and he was actually human. He had no clue he wasn’t human. He slept with us and was so excited to see us, if we were gone 15 hours or 15 minutes, his greeting and love was always the same. Had to have a toy every time I went shopping and came home with sacks,he went through them till found his toy and if wasn’t one, he pouted like a little kid!! šŸ˜‚ We miss him everyday!! Lost him Feb. 27 of 2015, from kidney disease, at the young age of 10. Our time with him was way to short, but we were glad to have what we did, that’s for sure. He brought so much joy and love to us! We were devastated. Will always be with us and we will always miss him. šŸ˜¢

Tilly Lynne Irene love you forever.

Lucy was a rescue my friend, my love. I got her during a rough time in my life; she was there. We rescued each other. When her hips quit Animal Med was there for us, I have her ashes in a memorial tattoo always with me. Yes, I miss her!

Want to honor your pet?

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We are very sorry for your loss.

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