Feline Surgery Consent Form

Save time during your next appointment!
Complete your required form online from any device at any time before your visit.


Please download and complete the appropriate form following the links and bring it in with you when you visit us at the clinic! Or fill out our online form below!

Feline Surgery Consent Form

Pet Information

Week / Month / Year
am / pm

We want to make your pet Facebook famous!

**Biohazard Fee of $7.00 added to each invoice

I, being responsible for the above-described animal, have the authority to grant you my consent to perform the selected procedures upon my pet and understand that they do not get an exam, options for pre-anesthetic bloodwork, or IV fluids. You are to use all responsible precautions against injury, escape, or death of my pet, but you will not be responsible or liable in any manner in connection therewith as it is thoroughly understood that I assume all risks. I will be responsible for all fees and service charges, including legal fees associated with the treatment of my pet.

Clear Signature