A confirmed case of Equine Herpes Virus (EHV) type 1 was diagnosed at the end of last week. This horse was subsequently humanely euthanized due to advanced neurologic signs. A second horse is showing milder clinical neurologic signs and is hospitalized (and isolated) at Animal Medical Center. We are currently awaiting laboratory results of testing for EHV1.

Both horses (and hundreds of others) utilized the facilities at CAM-PLEX over the past two weeks. Neither of these horses was stabled at CAM-PLEX.  One confirmed case and one pending case is not yet an ‘Outbreak.’ EHV1 is an elusive disease, sporadically appearing at seemingly random places every year throughout the United States. Some facts that these two cases highlight and that our horse clients need to be aware of;

  1. Determining the origin of either one of these cases is unrewarding, so sympathize with our fellow horse owners that have affected horses.
  2. CAM-PLEX may or may not have been the source of infection.  They are currently taking measures to disinfect their facility, but the reality is that any facility that has heavy horse traffic in and out, is at risk for all infectious diseases.  CAM-PLEX is no worse than any other equestrian facility, and after this disinfecting protocol should be better.
  3. Vaccination for this disease has shown only limited benefit at best.  HOWEVER, this highlights the importance of vaccinating for all those other diseases in which vaccination is protective.  As we are approaching High School Rodeo and College Rodeo seasons, vaccinate your horses!
  4. Biosecurity is extremely important!  Enjoy your events while keeping your horse as safe as possible!

If your horse is just not doing well, is showing signs of wobbliness, or has a fever, please call. It’s extremely important to be open about this disease as we are all in it together.

Have questions?

We’re here to help! Please don’t hesitate to contact us today!