Meet Dr. Erin Innes! Did you know that she is currently the number one ranked rider in the United States for endurance riding by The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF)?
So what is endurance riding? Equine riders compete in long distance (50-100 miles) and limited distance (25-35 miles) races on wilderness trails across the country with their extremely athletic horses.
This year alone, Dr. Erin Innes has ridden over 300 miles, including two 75-milers! One of these races took place in Canada, in which she finished in under seven hours and earned a first place finish; her horse received the Best Conditioned award, an achievement given by the ride’s veterinarians to the horse deemed to be in the best physical condition. Of the eleven rides she has competed in this year, five of those were FEI (Federation Equestre Internationale) races, of which she won first place and Best Condition in each! Dr. Innes has ridden over 1495 Endurance miles, 450 Limited Distance miles, has been in the top ten 36 times (out of 50 starts), has 12 first place finishes, and her fastest 50 mile completion time is 4 hours and 27 minutes! Her next big goal is to vie for one of the five US team spots that will compete in the 2018 World Equestrian Games in North Carolina.
Dr. Erin Innes has four Arabian horses that compete with her in these amazing races! She has been involved in endurance riding since she was fifteen years old and isn’t stopping anytime soon. Let’s all wish her good luck in her future races, and we are all standing behind her cheering our hearts out!
To learn more, visit the American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) website, where you can also look up more info about your favorite rider, Dr. Erin Innes, and the races she’s competed in.
Check out Dr. Erin Innes in action below!